Tenant Directory

Suite Business Name Phone Website
G01 Mediserve 08 8212 2595 mediserve.com.au
G03 & B3 Pizza E Mozzarella 08 8164 1003 pizzaemozzarellabar.com.au
G14 Counter Space counterspace.com.au
G15 SMT Telecommunications
G17 Outhire
G18 Katya Komarova
G20 Teeps The Jeweller 0405 630 367 teepsthejeweller.com.au
G61 Epworth Building Pty Ltd 08 8231 2042 epworthbuilding.com.au
G61 Econ Property Group 08 8410 3777 econgroup.com.au
GA & B5 & B9 BTS Café 08 7220 4747 btscafe.com.au
Suite Business Name Phone Website
101 Wrenglade Counselling
104-105 Renew Adelaide
107 Gimbulki Resources 08 8410 7060
111 Adelaide Family Mediation 0410 928 191 adelaidefamilymediation.com.au
113-114 City Collective citycollective.com.au
115 City Collective citycollective.com.au
116 City Collective
117 City Collective
122 The Partnership the-partnership.com.au
123 Michael McClaren FCA - Consulting & Forensic Accounting
127 David Vincent Rocca - Cinematic Events davidvincentrocca.com
128 Grant Cunningham - Home Owners Choice 08 82313332
130 Synaco 8120 4840 synacoglobal.com.au
132 Henry James Legal 0414 414 520
Suite Business Name Phone Website
203 Friends of The Heysen Trail (08) 8212 6299 heysentrail.asn.au
208 RIN Models
212 Cornershop Design 0434829267 cornershopdesign.com.au
214 Cerulean Creative Studios 0400059362 hhtp://ceruleanstudios.com.au
215 FOS Lighting 1300241087
219 SEC Newgate
220 SEC Newgate
221 Wellness & Healing Centre 0456738894 whcsa.com.au
223 Australia Better Migration
224 Water Plan Consulting waterplanconsulting.com.au
225 Association For Philosophical Studies of SA
227 Super Audits
228 Epworth Boardroom 08 8231 2042 epworthbuilding.com.au
Suite Business Name Phone Website
301 Ralph Clarke 08 8410 0033 ralphclarke.net.au
302-303 Mayweathers mayweathers.com.au
304 Spatial Scientific
305 SAL Commercial
306-307 Automotive Design Consultants
308 Moya Migration 08 7071 1701 moyamigrationlaw.com.au
315 SMB Workplace & Employment Law
316 Evans Testa Solicitors
319 Dr Tanya Robinson
320 Advanced Lighting Technologies 0411 552 072 adlt.com.au
321 Kelly Hann Counselling & Psychotherapy 0425 278 789 kellyhanncounselling.com.au
322 LS Operations
323 Go2 Power
357 Learning Information Systems
358 StudyLink
Suite Business Name Phone Website
401-407 ADERO Law
406 SharkJump Studios
409 Dragonfly Software 08 8410 8889 dragonflysoftware.com.au
411 Ezara Fine Jewellery +61 420 755 545 ezarajewellery.com.au
412 Ryder Family Law
413 Marten Johns Psychology
416 DSL Pacific
418 Monomyth Games monomyth.games
419 FuturePlus Australia
423 Adelaide Watch Repairs 08 8212 4611 watchmakers.net.au
450 Waterwood
463A Team Cherry teamcherry.com.au
463B Made In Katana
Suite Business Name Phone Website
501-504 Wadlow Solicitors 08 8212 2955
505-508 David Winch & Co 08 8212 4299
510 Wadlow Solicitors
512 Migration Prospects 08 7073 4922 migrationprospects.com.au
513 Thorne Harbour Health
516 Lucid Insights
517 Studio Pinata
521 Susan Upton
522 Sanctum History
523 Melissa Zschorn Psychologist
560 Technebuild
566 Slice Agency
Suite Business Name Phone Website
111 Adelaide Family Mediation 0410 928 191 adelaidefamilymediation.com.au
423 Adelaide Watch Repairs 08 8212 4611 watchmakers.net.au
401-407 ADERO Law
320 Advanced Lighting Technologies 0411 552 072 adlt.com.au
225 Association For Philosophical Studies of SA
223 Australia Better Migration
306-307 Automotive Design Consultants
GA & B5 & B9 BTS Café 08 7220 4747 btscafe.com.au
214 Cerulean Creative Studios 0400059362 hhtp://ceruleanstudios.com.au
113-114 City Collective citycollective.com.au
117 City Collective
116 City Collective
115 City Collective citycollective.com.au
212 Cornershop Design 0434829267 cornershopdesign.com.au
G14 Counter Space counterspace.com.au
127 David Vincent Rocca - Cinematic Events davidvincentrocca.com
505-508 David Winch & Co 08 8212 4299
319 Dr Tanya Robinson
409 Dragonfly Software 08 8410 8889 dragonflysoftware.com.au
416 DSL Pacific
G61 Econ Property Group 08 8410 3777 econgroup.com.au
228 Epworth Boardroom 08 8231 2042 epworthbuilding.com.au
G61 Epworth Building Pty Ltd 08 8231 2042 epworthbuilding.com.au
316 Evans Testa Solicitors
411 Ezara Fine Jewellery +61 420 755 545 ezarajewellery.com.au
215 FOS Lighting 1300241087
203 Friends of The Heysen Trail (08) 8212 6299 heysentrail.asn.au
419 FuturePlus Australia
107 Gimbulki Resources 08 8410 7060
323 Go2 Power
128 Grant Cunningham - Home Owners Choice 08 82313332
132 Henry James Legal 0414 414 520
G18 Katya Komarova
321 Kelly Hann Counselling & Psychotherapy 0425 278 789 kellyhanncounselling.com.au
357 Learning Information Systems
322 LS Operations
516 Lucid Insights
463B Made In Katana
413 Marten Johns Psychology
302-303 Mayweathers mayweathers.com.au
G01 Mediserve 08 8212 2595 mediserve.com.au
523 Melissa Zschorn Psychologist
123 Michael McClaren FCA - Consulting & Forensic Accounting
512 Migration Prospects 08 7073 4922 migrationprospects.com.au
418 Monomyth Games monomyth.games
308 Moya Migration 08 7071 1701 moyamigrationlaw.com.au
G17 Outhire
G03 & B3 Pizza E Mozzarella 08 8164 1003 pizzaemozzarellabar.com.au
301 Ralph Clarke 08 8410 0033 ralphclarke.net.au
104-105 Renew Adelaide
208 RIN Models
412 Ryder Family Law
305 SAL Commercial
522 Sanctum History
220 SEC Newgate
219 SEC Newgate
406 SharkJump Studios
566 Slice Agency
315 SMB Workplace & Employment Law
G15 SMT Telecommunications
304 Spatial Scientific
517 Studio Pinata
358 StudyLink
227 Super Audits
521 Susan Upton
130 Synaco 8120 4840 synacoglobal.com.au
463A Team Cherry teamcherry.com.au
560 Technebuild
G20 Teeps The Jeweller 0405 630 367 teepsthejeweller.com.au
122 The Partnership the-partnership.com.au
513 Thorne Harbour Health
501-504 Wadlow Solicitors 08 8212 2955
510 Wadlow Solicitors
224 Water Plan Consulting waterplanconsulting.com.au
450 Waterwood
221 Wellness & Healing Centre 0456738894 whcsa.com.au
101 Wrenglade Counselling